What Do We Support: Youth
The “development of people” is one of the principal objectives of the Foundation. Whilst charitable giving can be used to alleviate problems it can also be used to empower people and this is particularly true of the young.
Our donations in this area span all aspects of assisting children and young adults, although we are particularly keen to support those from socially and financially disadvantaged backgrounds. The Foundation looks favourably upon any charity, organisation, individual or endeavour that seeks to motivate young people to fulfil their potential, challenge them to be the best that they can and teach them that they are the architects of their own future.
Throughout Barcapel’s history of giving this commitment to youth is evident, as is the broad range of initiatives supported such as The Anne Frank Trust, Sports Leaders UK, The Prince’s Trust and Fairbridge in Scotland.

Case Study: Youth
Scottish Book Trust
Scottish Book Trust is a national charity that believes books, reading and writing have the power to change lives; that a love of reading inspires creativity, improves employment opportunities, mental health and wellbeing, and is one of the most effective ways to help children escape the poverty cycle.
Barcapel awarded a grant of £20,000 to deliver ‘Reading Buddies’, a shared reading project that involves older pupils and parents sharing a love of reading with younger reading buddies in their school. The older pupils and parents read three carefully selected picture books to their reading buddies. Pupils are then encouraged to vote for their favourite book as part of the Bookbug Picture Book Prize and hold a celebration event during Book Week Scotland with parents and guardians.
The Trustees of Barcapel were influenced by:
- the professionalism of both the organisation and the application
- the need to tackle literacy problems in Scottish children and adults
- the potential intergenerational impact of the project